January 12, 2024
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Group

HOPE is a virtual parent/professional-led support group for the parents and caregivers of children/teens with ADHD, running for over 30 years. At HOPE meetings you will gain insights, share personal questions/concerns, and learn advocacy skills – in a nonjudgmental setting with individuals who have similar experiences relating to ADHD.
Meetings are FREE with no registration needed. Open to any and all parents/caregivers, relatives, and friends of a child or teen with ADHD. Currently, HOPE meetings are held virtually on Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30pm. If you are interested in learning more about HOPE or receiving a meeting link, contact us via email: adhd.hope.niagara@gmail.com.
Meetings are held virtually Wednesday evenings 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. If you are interested in learning more about HOPE or receiving a meeting link, contact us via email: adhd.hope.niagara@gmail.com Additional Resources for ADHD Information:
Meetings are FREE with no registration needed. Open to any and all parents/caregivers, relatives, and friends of a child or teen with ADHD. Currently, HOPE meetings are held virtually on Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30pm. If you are interested in learning more about HOPE or receiving a meeting link, contact us via email: adhd.hope.niagara@gmail.com.
Current Meeting Schedule:
Sept 18:
ADHD Impacts the Whole Family – Explaining ADHD to your child, family, friends school staffOct 9:
ADHD Parenting Challenges – Managing impulsivity, emotional outbursts, parental disagreement, motivationNov 20:
No Nag Parenting – Less stressful daily routines + holiday survival tipsDec 11:
ADHD Medication – Teamwork for best results (child/parent/medical/school)Jan 15:
ADHD through the Ages and Stages (Child to Adult) – Increasing independence, self advocacy and self regulationFeb 5:
Tips for Managing ADHD Challenges at School – eg. school avoidance, refusal, recess and classroom difficultiesFeb 26:
ADHD Management, More Than Meds – Improving sleep, healthy eating and exercise habitsMarch 19:
Coaching Tips for Executive Function Skills Improvement – Start planning for summer fun including skill building activitiesApril 9:
ADHD Plus, Coexisting Conditions – eg. depression, anxiety, LD’s, ODDApril 30:
Strategies for Decluttering – Organization and time management for ADHD familliesMay 21:
Making Friends and Improving Relationships – family, relatives, school matesJune 11:
Thriving with ADHD – Benefitting from ADHD positives, increasing self esteemMeetings are held virtually Wednesday evenings 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. If you are interested in learning more about HOPE or receiving a meeting link, contact us via email: adhd.hope.niagara@gmail.com Additional Resources for ADHD Information: